Thursday, May 13, 2010

Playlist: 1979

[Warning: This Post Contains Many, Many Words Below the Cut.]

Let's go back a couple years from the last playlist. As before, the flash object below the cut is an embedded playlist of American Top 40 hits I liked, this time from 1979.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Playlist: 1981

[Warning: This Post Contains Many, Many Words Below the Cut.]

The flash object below the cut is a playlist of songs that were either Billboard or American Top 40 hits in 1981 (back when it was hosted by Casey Kasem, for those of you old enough to remember that). It's obviously not even close to all the hits on either chart, but it's a good cross-section of music I actually enjoyed listening to.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things I Learned From TV, Part 1

Got blue balls? There's an app for that!

A commercial advertising something called "Juicy TV", which appears to involve very large-breasted women, touted their service, which apparently includes an iPhone app. The statement above was not literally in the commercial, but it sure seemed to be the message.

Commercials with the sound off can be strange.

Based solely on the visuals, I believe that the message of a recent Snickers ad is this: When you are transformed into an old woman, just eat a Snickers bar! You'll soon be transformed back to your virile male self.

Sadly, the sound being on would probably confirm this was basically the message.

Things from bad movies are, well, bad.

Lesson for Saturday: if you try to hit ScaryDemonGuy with a car, and he jump/walks his way over it instead? Chances are, the same thing will happen when you put the car in reverse and try again.

I didn't catch the name of the movie, but the 10 minutes we saw was pretty bad.