Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Mike Isabella of Top Chef,

You seem to not realize that your audience is composed primarily of foodies and chefs. I base this characterization on the fact that you felt a need to condescendingly let us know that risotto can be made of other things than rice.

I realize that 'condescending' is your normal tone, and what with your obvious hangup about women and bloated self-importance I hardly expected to particularly like you at any point, but that one little interview pretty much guaranteed that I am now actively anti-rooting for you. You probably don't care (I'm a woman and not a professional chef, after all), but let me point out to you something you and certain other past contestants seem to have missed: you are on national TV getting name recognition. That recognition can be good (as in, "Wow, that dish Michael V made sounds excellent") or bad (as in, "I don't care if he cooks food suitable for the second coming of Jesus, that guy is such a douche, I wouldn't eat at his restaurant for any amount of money").

In case it isn't clear, you fall into the latter category for me.

It's a little late now, of course; the season is long since taped and the decision made as to who will be the winner. I predict, however, it will not be you, which means the only thing you will have accomplished by this is alienating a portion of your potential customer base. I hope that outcome is what you wanted.


Your #1 Anti-Fan

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