Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Glee-related babble

I'm not watching Glee, but I do read some recaps (done by TLo, aka "the Project Rungay boys" from the old name of their blog) and watch clips of songs I'm interested in. I'm gonna have to pry some money loose from the budget to buy a few of those clips. In particular, I definitely want the NPH "Dream On", and "Baby, It's Cold Outside" from the Christmas episode.

I swear that Chris Colfer sounds more like a girl than I do. :D It's just... I've always had a kinda low voice for a woman, and it's just gotten lower as I've gotten older. My singing voice is shot to hell lately anyhow—not that you'll ever hear it because it records like total crap, even if it sounds fine in person—but I seem to have fallen down into the tenor range, or some midpoint between tenor and alto, depending on how you measure.

Oh, there's one other song I know I want to get from the Glee soundtracks, but I hate to admit it because I typically tend to actively avoid any pop singer with a hype machine larger than Madonna's. But, I must admit, their cover of "Telephone" got stuck in my head pretty hard. I went and found the video for the original, so I've heard that now too, and I do kinda like it but I like the cover better for some reason (maybe because I saw it in context and the context was funny).

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