Friday, October 16, 2009

Massive Eyerolling

Dear Designers,

You were asked to do a Bob Mackie-style outfit for a singer. Bob Mackie-style stage outfit! I know most of you would not normally do something like his costumes, but you'd think one of you might've realized that he rather likes colour. Black, white, grey, black, white, black and white, white, grey... I think I saw a hint of blue somewhere, but it was pretty subtle. 'Subtle' is not on the list of words I think of when I think of Bob Mackie's stagewear.

In fact, while we're on the topic: just what do so many of you have against colour this season? I've seen more black, white, and grey than I can take. And I like grey (and black, but everyone likes some black I think). Even when you were supposed to make something blue I saw grey! Yeesh.

That having been said, I'm glad to see Carol Hannah finally win one, even if it was with a black dress. She's not my favorite designer (sorry, but I like Gordana more!), but I think she got ignored for good outfits more than once, so it's nice to see her get some kudos for her skill.

Anyhow. Colour, people. Don't be afraid of it.

Hugs and Kisses (except to Irina)!

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